Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Dream of Telling the Church 2 Chronicles 7:14


I have read so many "prophetic" words of destruction, doom and gloom for years and at times just feel weary from people who are angry and trying to pronounce their own form of fantasized judgement against the world.  There are true Prophets of God who see with His heart, however, and have delivered words of warnings with which we needed to take heed.  I'm not bashing all prophetic words.  But I want us to understand that God is merciful and slow to anger and gives us grace for a very good reason; we desperately need it!  He is patient and loving, but He is also a Righteous Judge.  His desire is for us all to take the free gift of "do-overs" His grace offers just for owning up and turning away from sin.  He even will help us see it if we are too blind, if we really want to!  

Why does He do that?  Because He loves us so much and He alone sees the magnitude of harm sin causes His beloved children and creation.  He wants to spare us from what He knows is eventual when no repentance occurs, so He gave His Son as the Way to freedom from these dangers.  Therefore, as you read this blog, please don't see it as coming from someone who is just saying the same ol' same ol'.  I truly felt the grief in my heart in this dream and know it is a legitimate manifestation of a tender, outstretched hand and heart of God to reach His children, so we can move forward in the showers of blessings He wants to bestow upon us.

2 Chronicles 7:14
If MY people, which are CALLED BY MY NAME, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (Emphasis mine)


I was standing on something elevated and could look out over a multitude. However, I couldn’t see specific faces or specific people.  In fact, I couldn't identify exactly who I was seeing or what I was being elevated by.  It was like I had firm footing, but standing on air.

My heart felt so grieved as I was speaking the words from 2 Chronicles 7:14.  In my enunciation of the words of the scripture, I strongly emphasized “If MY people,” and I repeated it several times, “If MY people…” I was really stressing with those of whom the message was for that as God’s people WE are responsible for seeking Him and repenting for OUR evil.  THEN He will heal our land.


I feel like the message to this dream was an earnest cry to God’s people that He is grieved with the passivity of His people with regard to repentance.  There is NOTHING hidden from His sight and He is holding US responsible for the effects of our own sin and what it is causing to occur in our nation.  Even if we can not exactly identify members of the Body of Christ who are in sin, (I couldn't identify people in the dream) there are those of us who God is seeing specific sin for which we need to repent.  In His mercy, He is giving forth clear instruction to us which is a very simple way to receive the blessings of His healing what ails this land.

We cannot point the finger at the unsaved and say the problems with this land are all their fault.  We proclaim quite boldly that it's Hollywood's fault, it's the administration's fault, it's all a definitive group of people choosing a particular brand of sin!  However, they are not carrying the same responsibility as we are because we are children of the Most High God and to whom much is given, much is expected, (Luke 12:45). Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.  Even though satan is the lord of this world, there is a FAR GREATER Lord in us Who brings beauty from ashes, Who turns what was meant by the evil one around for good, Who brings order out of chaos, (1 John 4:4, Gen. 50:20, Gen. 1:1-3).  If we will do our part, healing can come and release the wave of God's Spirit to be poured out which will then reach the lost whom we have been blaming.  It will then transform their hearts after ours surrender to God's way of refreshing.

Some of us, deep down, know the evil we are participating with and we aren’t fooling the Lord, even if we have deceived ourselves into thinking we can ignore it and it will go away.  Some of us have rejected the promptings of the Lord even after repeated times He has patiently approached us.  Some of us have been given the gift of the Lord sending a messenger to  personally deliver a specific word and we either rebuked them, accusing them and even feeling like the devil sent them, or we have thought there is no way that was truly meant for us and they were just mistaken.  Some of us don’t think what we are doing is actually THAT wrong so we just keep doing it. Some of us have an unrealistic view of God and are afraid of Him, believing if we own up to it, He will smash us like a tiny bug.  Some of us think we got it covered when we confessed a sin, but the truth of the matter is that we were being hypocrites for the sake of recognition, false humility or reputation and have not turned from it at all.  Some of us truly are unaware, but need to take the time to check in with Him and allow Him to show us, if indeed, we are in unknown sin.  

We need to each come before Him and ask like David did, for the Lord to search our hearts and see if there is any unclean thing in us and to renew a right spirit within us, (Psalm 51:10, 139:23).

At the very least, we all need to take a moment, humble ourselves, ask the Lord if there is anything displeasing Him about us and then repent for that, specifically, if He shows us something.  We need to own up to it before Him and let that repentance the Holy Spirit leads us into then bring a refreshing to our individual hearts and lives and our nation, as we do this corporately in the body of Christ.


Holy Spirit, it is Your job to bring conviction, so I thank You for Your convicting work on our hearts right now as we read this word.  I ask You to impart revelation where we are not seeing what we need to see.  Take the blinders of deception, ignorance or fear off our eyes and help us come humbly before You and courageously face what we need to face.  Lead us into repentance and help us to fully and completely come clean before You, Lord God, accepting Your cleansing work of grace and forgiveness.  Thank You, Lord, that we will ALWAYS need You.  I also thank You that You sweep across this land and bring Your healing word to whomever it needs to be given.  We love and adore You and give You our hearts.  You alone are worthy.  Amen
This song is powerful, although there is one line I felt I couldn't agree with, "Take this breath from my lungs if I don't breathe for You."  There are times we just don't walk the walk well and we don't give Him glory; and I sure don't want to be asking something like that!  :)