Wednesday, November 14, 2012



Image taken from PooInfo:

Dream with Interpretation  
[partial interpretation within the dream itself will be in (  )’s]

November 12, 2012

God is stepping up my dream life again.  When I was just a youth in Him, returning to His welcoming arms after taking a thirty-plus year hiatus, He brought to reality in my life the scriptural promises that in the last days of which we have no exact idea how long that time frame will be, we will dream dreams, see visions and be prophetically inspired by His sweet Spirit. Acts 2: 17-18  

In the mid 1990’s, I became prophetically inspired in my sleep, when I returned wholeheartedly to the Lord, fully trusting Him with my life, no matter what that would look like or bring.  I began asking Him to give me a prophetic mouth, mind and heart.  Little did I know what I was asking; in fact, I had NO CLUE!  Even so, I still would not trade the mistakes I have made, the heartache I have suffered in rejection and hatred, the strange things I have seen and encountered, to go back to a comfortable yet “boring in comparison” life ever again.  My life is thrilling and far from mundane.  It is a delight to ones heart like no other when you KNOW THAT YOU KNOW that the vast God of the universe has taken the time to communicate a symbolic message to your heart.  If you will seek Him for the interpretation, He will then touch your mind and heart with the very meaning of His heart which you and/or someone else needs to hear.  At times, He literally takes my breath away as He blows my mind with these divine encounters and I am changed

In this dream, which occurred a couple of evenings ago, I was just going about my busy business, aware that it was the month of November and that we were getting ready to settle into Winter’s slumber and rest from Summer’s heated activity.  I looked out the window (God giving revelation, revealing a needed message), and to my surprise and delight I saw a swimming pool with several kids and adults cheerfully swimming and playing, charging down the slide, jumping off the side, relaxing in a steady swim mode.  All were totally submerging themselves in the refreshing aquatic playground.  God knows how I love summer fun in a pool, or at least basking in the sunshine during pool season!  It was inviting, as I knew my apartment pool had already been drained and would not be open.  (Have to go where there is the presence of God, not a temporary place to live but this place in Him is a permanent dwelling place, Psalm 91.)  

I looked again out the window and saw a second pool at another location with the same scene as the first one; people with glad hearts in this position of submersion, (submission).  I began to wonder if I could go there.  The question marks in my mind began to pop up:  Do I have time?  Am I presentable?  Is there something else I should be doing?  I looked a third time and saw another pool, just as the two previous scenarios; carefree people thoroughly enjoying themselves.  (Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact is confirmed.  2 Cor. 13:1  When God repeats a matter two or three times in a dream, it is confirmed, which brings me to the place of understanding that I need to take Him seriously at this word in this particular dream.)

I noticed however, the hour seemed to be getting later as each time I glanced out the window; it was a bit darker outside.  You would think I would just go ahead and jump right in, knowing that with each delay, the time was shortening for me to enjoy this opportunity which was presenting itself to me.  BUT no…I had to look around for my makeup!  I just couldn’t go without that!  How about my hair which was an untidy conglomeration of what I would equate to a rat’s nest?  I couldn’t go until I’d straightened that mess out!  I kept glancing by way of the pool as it grew darker and darker.  I finally had such a compulsion that if I didn’t leave my “to-do-list” behind and go NOW I would totally miss this blessing.  After all, how many times are pools open in mid November?  

I scurried off before it closed and noticed the pool was half shaded and half sunny.  I longed for the entire pool to be sunny, but due to my procrastination, I had cost myself the very best portion of this blessing.  I still enjoyed what was left, however, with knowledge in my heart that I had chosen to forgo the best of what had been offered.  If only I had just answered the call initially


Overall, this dream is saying that God has seasons of specific blessing for us to submerge ourselves in His presence, (swimming pools).  Anyone who has walked with Him for a while has had seasons where His presence was overwhelming, ravishing our hearts with unspeakable joy, peace, and clarity of His voice and vision.  Then seemingly, without an apparent reason, those encounters seem to suddenly dry up.  We walk in a still and perplexing time wondering, “Where are You, God?”  

Our Father will extend the invitation to come to Him, but it is our choice as to whether we will let the busyness of everyday life distract us from intimate encounters with the Master of the Universe.  We think we have to get other things all lined up just right before we can come, which my makeup and hair were symbolizing.  However, I hear the Lord saying, “This is vanity.”  He is using the play on words here with the obvious visual of me demonstrating vanity in my dream by wanting hair and makeup just right, yet He is truly saying, “It’s a waste of your time.”  Our God says, “Come to Me, now, as you are.”  Taking time to complete the tasks we see as necessary will only cost us some of this precious presence of God, and we won’t receive the best He had to offer at the moment.  This is the same problem busy Martha had.  She was too concerned with getting things perfect for her guest, Jesus, instead of realizing, she was with her brother, Jesus, who didn’t care what condition the house and meals were in.  He just wanted her with Him, which her sister, Mary, so wisely understood.  In fact, that astute Mary demonstrated her intense desire to get intimately close to Him; to absorb all of Him she possibly could in that moment seated at His feet.  She chose the lowly place where we are humbled but which is a place we receive the lovely grace of our Lord.  (Luke 10:38-42) 

In the mid 90’s, when I first turned my heart around and gave it fully back to God, I was on a mountain top of surprises and encounters like no other time in my life prior.  It was a revival in my heart in which I completely fell in love with my Savior.  I longed for Him far above anything or anyone else, having discovered this was the One of whom I could never do without.   I would spend hours with Him, soaking in His presence during very worshipful experiences through anointed music which catapulted me straight into the throne room of God.  I was fortunate enough to have a life event which seemed tragic at the time, but which actually afforded me the time to sit and soak like one who spends luxurious periods of time in the warmth of a much needed bath to ease away the stress, aches and pains of the day.  I learned more about my Lord during these worshipful times of healing and deliverance, then I ever did in traditional mainline church services which were only a token of my time, giving me the deceptive idea that I had done my religious duty and was right with God.  I took risks in these prophetic times, however, as I chose to believe what was in my spirit instead of my head.  My head would reason away the encounters as “just my silly imagination!”  To counter this, I decided to pray and believe that if I was crazy, and these were not legitimate encounters with the True Living God, that He would take them away and fix my foolish head.  I asked Him to sanctify my mind and give me His mind. 1 Cor. 2:16

I wish I could tell you I stayed in that lovely place.  In self righteous moments, I have judged the characters in the Bible, astounded at how they would have supernatural encounters with God only to turn and revert back to their old ways.  I have discovered through my own human weaknesses that it is the nature of our flesh to do just that.  We get caught up in the busyness of life with its twists and turns of events, and we wander off the path ever so slightly until we eventually are so far away from where we started it takes our Shepherd to come get us and bring us back to Him.

Currently, I am feeling the wooing of my Lord once again, after going through a several year period of what I refer to as a “dryish” place.  The dryish place is a place which seems like He’s not there in manifested presence to the degree I had enjoyed previously.  His voice is more difficult to hear.  The wonderful thing about the dry season, however, is that it presents an opportunity to lean ever closely inward to the whispers coming from the lips of our Lord.  We have to purposefully draw near, as we long to know exactly what this Marvelous One is saying.  In this, we demonstrate our heart of choice, which clearly speaks to the heart of our Lord, “I desire You above all else.  I crave Your wisdom.  I can’t do without You.”  It is a testing place in which the Teacher does not give away the answers but remains quiet in order to bring out into the obvious our responses and what we know.  This place of testing is a place it’s easy to get frustrated, disappointed, disillusioned, and even angry at God.  In His sweet slowness to anger, however, and His not returning evil for ours, He lets the dry season do its work in perfecting us to a degree greater than we were before we entered this season.  

My prayer is if you too are sensing the wooing of the Lord to come unto Him, that you will answer this knock on the door of your heart.  If you are having a stirring in your spirit to share time with Him, set aside the distractions for whatever time period you believe He is calling you to.  I will warn you; this will be challenged by the enemy of the Lord who does not want you to redirect your priorities.  Satan wants you distracted, too busy, stressed, frustrated, unsuccessfully attempting to fill the void you sense with things which will never satisfy.  Truly, nothing will fill this empty place for you except our Gracious God.  You will have to press through the sudden: sleepiness, phone calls, family/friend/work demands, wandering mind, and whatever else seems to get in the way to steal this precious time.  Guard this time, being determined that nothing will interfere, and that you WILL have this no matter what.  

If you will find some worship music which seems to stir your heart, put that on and worship.   Sing to the Lord, knowing He finds it precious and delights in the voice of your heart, even if the sounds coming from your mouth are distracting or unattractive to you.  It is a sweet savor to Him as the fruit of your lips drip with adoration for Him, or at the very initial least; displays a sacrifice of obediently honoring Him.  Draw into our Lord as you would any beloved human for a hug.  Press in; staying the course, trusting you will be rewarded with His presence even if at first it seems awkward or uneventful.  He loves you even more than the most adoring parent their child.  Dive in and swim in His presence!

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